
We are the COA – a big family with many different ethnicities, languages and cultures. Despite our diversity we have one collective goal: We want to experience something.

The story of the apostles is the story of unexplained deeds and events. It is the story where impossible becomes possible. The book of Acts has not yet ended. Signs and wonders still happen.

We are a dynamic, passionate and active fellowship. Our belief is not a religious custom but a lifestyle. We believe that love is the highest commandment — Love for one another and compassion for other people. We believe there is only one God who can do the impossible. Our principles and teachings are found in the bible and in it our passion is found as well. Every service is a celebration and a new experience.

Sunday Bible Study 10 am*
Sunday Service 11 am*
Wednesday Service 7.00 pm*
Friday Youth 6.30 pm
Saturday Prayer 7 pm (Zoom)

*these services are bilingual

Simmeringer Hauptstraße 2/2
1110 Wien

Take the “Bim 71” to Litfaßsstraße
or walk 10 min from St. Marx trainstation
or walk 15 min from U3 Zippererstraße

Alongside our main services we have different meetings that are fitted to the needs of targeted group. Most definitely you will find something that fits you. Get to know new people, socialize, become part of our family and talk about God and our world.


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